Monday, October 22, 2012

Toppest one

The first one:
Tran Quyen H. This one attracted my eyes deeply. It has sufficient preparation, and it also applies a good country report. Finally, the most important advantage is it includes the Audio files recorded. Then, I gave it 20 points.

The second one:
Sun Yihao. He talked about Japan, and we can have a clear cognition about Japan through the country report, and he also has a vivid interview.

The third one:
Gong hua. His interviewee is from America, as an international student, we can know more about America from his interview, it will give us a lot of help to make more American friends.

Review interview

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The first interview

The first interview

                                                       Interview preparation

                          Where, when did we conduct and record the interview

   My first interviewe is about America. I have been here for almost one year, and sometimes I will meet some culture shocks, I don't know how to deal with the situation when I stay with my American friends. I want to learn more about America through this interview, and as an international student, I want to have a closer relationship with my American friend by learning their culture. My first interviewee is Nick, he is from Minnesotyear, sometimes a. On this weekend, we decided to meet each other in the library and finished our interview together.

                                                     How did I conduct my interview

 Last sunday, I met Nick in the library at 10 am. This was the first time for us to meet each other, and both of us were very excited. We introduced each other first, and we got the general information. Then, he began his interview first. Although we hd the same class, but we were in the different section. Then, we had different questions. He was very interested in China, but he just had a few ideas about China. Then, he asked a lot of questions. Such as, the food in China, the religion in China, and the education in China. I gave him my answers one by one. And after 20 minutes, I bagan my interview. As an international student, I want to know many information about America, and I want to have a more close relationship with my American freidns. Then, I asked him about the education, the custom, the religion in America. He gave me all the answers patiently.


                                                    Approaching interviewee

  Nick, who was born and grew in Minnesota. Currently, he is a junior in SCSU, and his major is computer science. He took the same class with me, but we chose different section. Although we don't know each other before, we just contacted by email. He was interested in China, and I was interested in America, then we become partner to do our interview together.

                                                    Country report

The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west, across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Pacific and Caribbean.
At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km2) and with over 312 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area, and the third largest by both land area and population. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The U.S. economy is the world's largest national economy, with an estimated 2011 GDP of $15.1 trillion. Per capita income is the world's seventh-highest.

Education in the United States is mainly provided by the public sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: local, state, and federal, in that order. Child education is compulsory. There are also a large number and wide variety of higher education institutions throughout the country that one can choose to attend, both publicly and privately administered.
Public education is universally available. School curricula, funding, teaching, employment, and other policies are set through locally elected school boards with jurisdiction over school districts with many directives from state legislatures. School districts are usually separate from other local jurisdictions, with independent officials and budgets. Educational standards and standardized testing decisions are usually made by state governments.

Religion in the United States is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Faiths have flourished, as well as perished, in the United States. Those include faiths imported by the multicultural immigrant heritage, as well as those founded within the country. These have led the United States to become one of the most religiously diverse countries in the world. A majority of Americans report that religion plays a "very important" role in their lives, a proportion unique among developed nations.
The majority of Americans (73%) identify themselves as Christians and about 20% have no religious affiliation. According to the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS), those who identify themselves as Catholics make up about 25% of the adult population, while "other Christians" account for another 51%. The same survey says that other religions (including, for example, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism) collectively make up about 4% of the adult population, another 15% of the adult population claim no religious affiliation, and 5.2% said they did not know, or they refused to reply. According to another survey, 36 percent of Americans state that they attend services nearly every week or more.
Despite a high level of religious adherence, only 9% of Americans in a 2008 poll said religion was the most important thing in their life, compared with 45% who said family was paramount in their life and 17% who said money and career was paramount.


Nick: N
Xianping: X

X: Hello, Nick, my name is xianping. Thanks for coming to library for our interview.
N: You' re welcome! Xianping, I'm glad to be your partner.
X: Me too. How about beginning our interview now?
N: Sure.
X: Ok, which state are you from in the U.S?
N: I am from a big city in Minnesota, and it takes almost an hour from my home to campus by car.
X: Sounds great! Do you usually go back home on your weekend?
N: Yes, I will go back home if I have time, and I enjoy the laughter and happiness when I stayed with my family.
X: I see. I have the same feeing with you. Do you have brothers or sisters?
N: Yes, I have a older sister and a older brother, we don't live our parents, but we usually come back on weekends.
X: Wonderful! I admire it. Do you have any religions? If you do, who affected your decision?
N: To be honest, I am a non-religion person. But when I was young, my parents usually brought me to church every sunday, I thought it was very boring when I stayed in church. Then, when I grew up, I didn't go to church anymore.
X: Ok, sounds interesting. Now, let's talk about food. Food will be regarded as an important part in our life, because we need to have food everyday. What's your favorite food? Do you cook by yourself?
N: Good question! Yes, sometimes, when I have time, I will cook by myself. For me, I like pizza very much. Because it is easy-made, especialy when we were busy with our homework.
X: I see, did you taste other countries' food before? Such as China, Korea?
N: Yes, you know, there are a lot of Asian resturaunts in Saint Cloud, and they offered a lot of delicious food which are very different from American food. But I enjoy them.
X: Wow, nice. I missed Chinese ffod too. They indeed have a delicious taste, and they are vey spicy. Ok, can we talk something about the education in America?
N: Sure, I'm glad to do that! As a native speaker in America, I don't have lanuage problems when I attended my class. I think America has a wholesome education system, and the peofessors are very experienced in their field. What's more, practice is one of the most important part in our education. Then, when we graduate from our study, we can own a lot of experience before we work. All in all, I think America has a scientific education system.
X: That's nice. I agree with you. You mentioned your major is computer science, woud you mind talking about the reasons why you chose your major?
N: Definitely not! For me, before I attended my college, my sister was graduated from this major. She shared a lot of things about her major with me, and I am interested in computer. What's more, this major is well-paid job, and it is easier to find a job.
X: Good idea! What's your hobbies when you are free? What kinds of activities would the American people choose when they are free?
N: Ok, I have a lot of hobbies. Such as hang out with my friends, watching TV at home, playing Video games, and playing the guita. Sorrounding my friends, I found most of my friends like having parties when they are free, and sometimes, they also enjoy inviting their friends to do sports together.
X: Sounds interesting! It should have a lot of fun. Maybe some Americans will regard Christmas Day as one of their important holiday. Which holiday is your favorite? And why do you like it best?
N: I like this question. I think I have the same opinion with other people. I like Christmas Day most, because we can have a long holiday, and I come back home and stay with my family. Besides, my sister, my brother and my cousins with stay with me, and we can have a lot of fun. That is a wonderful time!
X: Thank you, Nick. You gave me a lot of ideas about America. I appreciated it very much! Nice to meet you!
N: Nice to meet you too. We indeed had a good time together!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The challenges and benefits of interviewing an international student

The challenges and benefits of interviewing an international student

The world is more and more connected, then we need to communicate with multicultura peole. Understanding the people from different cultures and dfferent countries is important in our life. The only way to get on well with people who are in different cultures is learning different cultures from distinct people. Interviewing students from different countries will be very helpful, however, it is a rapier, on the one hand, it will bring many benefits to us; on the other hand, it also has a lot of challenges. 

There are many benefits when we interview students from different countries. First, we will gain our friendship. When we were doing our interview, we can have a lot of communications with interviewee, and we can undestand them well by knowing their cultures. Then, we can learn from the experiences and skills of others by asking the questions we are interested in, and we can also open our eyes. (1)

However, it also brings a lot of challenges. For example, language is a big problem. Language difficulties can be compounded in the interview setting if the interviewer uses metaphors or jargon. Metaphors inevitably cause miscommunication. (2) The interviewee will misunderstand our questions or we can't understand the answers of interviewee. We must be patient and friendly when we meet this situation, we can use examples to explain the meaning, or we can try to speak slowly. All of these will be helpful. Moreover, there may be many culture shocks during our interview. Instead of being angry with the culture difference, we should listen to the interviewee carefully . Because we were raised in different cullture, maybe we will have many different habits or actions.

Works cited


challenges and benefits of interviewing an international student


1.  We can know more information about different cultures;

2.  It can give us many suggestions if we need to travel to these countries;

3.  We can avoid many culture shocks when we interact with the people who are from different countries;

4.  We can have more ideas about different education systems;

5.  We can know different delicious food in different countries;

6.  We can know different holidays in different countries;

7.  We can know different religions in different countries;

8.  Maybe we can have friendships each other.


1.  We are not familiar with these countries;

2.  There are too many culture differences between different countries;

3.  Some people don’t want to talk about their family situations.
4. When they have opposite custom with me;
5. Language problems;
6. Some people will have big challenge shock during their interview.




Category 1: Family
What is the value of family in your country?
What is your family structure like?

Category 2: Culture
How does your home country culture different from that in US?
What are the highlights in your culture? (What things will make people immediately think about your country? Please tell more about its history)

Category 3: Food
What is the most famous food in your country?
What are your meals like? Size, number, times of day.

Category 4 : Education
What is the education system in your country?
Do a lot of people get a chance to attend college in your country?

Category 5: Social
What are the top three social pastimes? (Sports, group events, various activities)
Category 6: Religion
What are the different religions your country? And what is the predominant religion?

Category 7: Special Occasion
What are some holidays that you celebrate in your counrty and what do you do when you are celebrating?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Interview objectives

There are some purposes for me to know more about these three countries:

First, China is my motherland, I want to introduce it, and make people to know more information about China.

Second, China has a very longer history and it has profound culture.

Third, I chose America, because I am studying in America now , then I want to know the difference between China and America.

Fourth, the United States has the most wholesome education system.

Fifth, America is a multicultural country. Most of the population are immigranted from different countries, then it has abundant life.

Sixth, I chose Saudi Arabia because I am a christian, and most people in Saudi Arabia is Muslim. Then, I want know the differences between the Christian and Muslim.

Three countries for my interview

                 Three countries or regions I am interested

In our class, the classmates come from different countries or regions in the world. Such as,China, America, Canada,Saudi Arabia and so on. If you ask me: Which countries or regions you are interested in? Without any hesitation, I choose America, China and Saudi Arabia. There are many reasons why I am interested.
Americaas one of the most developed countries in the world, it has its unique attractions to me. As we all know, America is one of the popular countries for studying abroad. The most attractive thing to me is its education system. First, it has world class learning institutions. Compared to other country, America has more institutions of high learning. The most important thing is that the qualities of education in America. American colleges and universities have top-notch education programs and high qualified professors. Second, it has supporting industries,training and research. America has abundant resources, and it offers many practical training chances for your field of study. Many colleges and universities have built a good relationship with employers, then it creates more job opportunities to students. Then, America is a multiple country, most of its population are immigrated from different countries. Then, I can experience the diversity life in America. Finally, at the first semester, everything looked new for me, new professors, new classmates, and new campus. I felt home-sick. However, everyone is so friendly here, and they always gave me help if I needed. I liked everything here.
Next, China--a fast developing country, it is also my motherland. First, China is one of the four ancient civilizations( alongside babylon, India, and Egypt), according to Chinese scholar Liang Qichao (1900). It boasts a vast geographic expanse, 3600 years of written history, as well as a rich and profound culture. Many aspects of Chinese culture can be traced back many centuries ago. Chinese culture is so diverse and unique, yet harmoniously blended, and presents itself an invaluable asset to the world.Then, China has a lot of delicious food. Chinese cooking is one of the greatest methods of cooking. Since ancient time, many factors that have influenced its development. Confucius once said:" Eating is the utmost important thing in life." 
Finally, Saudi Arabia--A country which located in Arab. The Saudi Arabia monarchial government recognizes the Quran as the constitution of the country. The customs and traditions in Saudi Arabia are based on the tenets mentioned in the Quran. 
Hospitality and guests care are primary features of the customs and traditions in Saudi Arabia. When a guest is invited to a local household on formal or friendly purpose the former is treated to a cup of coffee and date palms. This is an ancient custom and is a sign of hospitality. If a guest is invited to a meal then the guest should leave behind some food on his plate to show that his appetite has been satisfied. Inmates of the family may request the guest for a subsequent meal and in that case the guest should oblige and give the family some token gift in return as a gesture of honor.
Every country has its own feature. I am interested in these three countries, because they have the unique cultures and history, and I want to know more about my friends.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Five book review


Title:《A Technique for Producing Ideas》

Author:James Webb Young 

Printed: Crain Books in Chicago Illinois in 1975. 

It introduced the ways to produce ideas.

Quote(P15): "This has brought me to the conclusion that the production of ideas is just as definite a process as the production of Fords; that the production of ideas, too, runs on an assembly line; that in this production the mind follows an operative technique which can be learned and controlled; and that its effective use is just as much a matter of practice in the technique as is the effective use of any tool."

Bibliography : James Webb Young,A Technique for Producing Ideas,Crain Books,Chicago Illinois,1975.


Title is《The fate of humor》.

Author:James M.Cox

published:Princeton University Press in 1966.

It wrote the life of a man.

Quote(P15):"But the snodgrass letters confined Clemens to the ignorant and illiterate utterance of snodgrass, whereas the literate Mark Twain allowed him a full range of style and expression.”

Bibliography: Cox, James, Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1966.


Title:《The development of memory in children》.

Author:Robert Kail, 

Published:W.H Freeman and Company in New York City. 

This book talks about the early education and psychology in early childhood. 

Quote:(p15) :" One simple way in which the age groups differed was in the number of ways they suggested of trying to remember the birthday party: The older children were considerably more resourceful, suggesting an average of 2.5 ways of remembering the party compared to 1.35 for the kindergarten children."

Bibliography : Robert Kail,The development of memory in children. W.H Freeman and company, New York, 1979.


Title is《Thailand》.

Author:Roger Jones

Published: Kuperard in Great Britain in 2003.

It shows the customs and culture of Thailand.

Quote: (p15)" The average temperature in Bangkok in December is 77*F(25*C),but it usually feels much hotter because of high humidity, and there are plenty of fine days in the rainy season."

Bibliography: Jones, Roger.Thailand,Great Britain, United States,Canada,Kuperard,Random House Distribution Services,2003.


Title:《The best of London》

Author: Henri Gault and Christian Millau 

Publish:In the United States of America in 1982 

The Book provides many different restaurants,hotels,shops,sights,etc in London. 

Quote(P15):"Armagnac.The wine list is amazingly good for a bistro-not surprisingly,since Ronald Price did a four-year stint as a wine merchant."

Bibliography: Gault, Henri and Millau, Christian. The Best of London. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1982.