Saturday, December 15, 2012

191 Final Paper

Final Paper

Xianping he

ENGL 191


                             Nursing in China and America


     When we talked about Nursing, I think the first impression in people’s mind will be the job in the hospital which helps doctors takes care of patients. Actually a nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for individuals, families, and communities, ensuring that they attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and functioning. Different countries have different history of nursing. In this paper, first, I will introduce the definition of nursing and the types of nurses. Then, I will talk about the history of nursing in China and America. After a period of time, nursing becomes a popular field in the world, and nursing education is also very completed in different countries. Finally, I will conclude the nursing education in China and America (Life 123, 2012).

The definitions of nursing
     there are many differences between nurses and other health care providers. Such as how to have patient care, training, and practice. The practice areas of nursing are wide and diversity. Many nurses are offering care within special physician’s requirements, this is the traditional role of nurses, and it is typically to reflect the image of nurses as care providers. However, nurse’s duties are also dependent on their training level (Nursing Education in America, 2003).

     Nursing has many definitions from different countries. According to the international council of Nurses:

“Nursing includes autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages. Such as, families, groups, sick or well people. Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

The types of nurses

Agency nurse--- A nurse who will register or sign up with an agency or similar group and tell them the works hours they are available.

Ambulatory care nurse--- A nurse who takes care of the patient who will stay in the hospital less than 24 hours.

Anesthesia nurse--- A nurse who works with surgeons, dentists, podiatrists, anesthesiologists, and other doctors to provide anesthesia to patients before, during, and after surgery or child birth.

Cardiac care nurse--- a nurse who works with other members of the medical staff in assessing, intervening, and implementing nursing care for the cardiac patient.

Critical care nurse---a nurse who offers care for patients and families who are experiencing actual or potential life-threatening illness.

Emergency nurse---a nurse has interventions and does evaluations in a limited time and sometimes hectic environment. Emergency nurses have to work independently and sometimes they also need to work with groups, they have to provide professional help to patients and families when they are illness.

Occupational health nurse--a nurse who is responsible for improving, protecting, maintaining and restoring the health of employees.

Oncology nurse--a nurse who cares for cancer patients.

Pediatric nurses---a nurse cares all aspects of children’s health care (Types of Nursing Careers, 2005).


The history of Nursing

I. The history of Nursing in China

     The history of nursing in China is beginning from the 19th century. In Chinese culture, modern nursing was regarded as the part of the westernization. In china, the traditional health treatment was provided by the medical personnel or doctors in formal hospital, actually, the professional nursing doesn’t exist in in China. Until in the late 19th century, modern nursing was formed by the arrival of Western missionaries. Throughout the 20th, nursing development was controlled. There are many reasons caused the regressive development of nursing, such as the political climate in China. Cultural Revolution has a critical effect on nursing development because many nursing schools were closed (Nursing, 2007).

     According to Chinese national condition, Chinese cultural understanding of health plays an important role in nursing practice. Sometimes, Chinese people have illness when the patients and the treatment environment are imbalance. Likewise, traditional Chinese medicine plays a critical role in restoring the overall balance, rather than simply treating symptoms (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

     Chinese health treatment was traditionally provided by various paramedical and medical personnel; in general, family members stayed in the hospital and took care of the sick relatives every day. In 1835, the first Western influenced hospital was established in Canton. And Elizabeth Mckechnie, the first American nurse in China, she introduced the Florence Nightingale system of nursing in China. In 1888, the first Chinese nursing school was established in Fuchou by another American, Ella Johnson.      In 1908, Nina arrived in China and established a nurse training program in 1910; it was the part of Yale mission. From 1912 to 1915, Nina was in charge of the Chinese Nursing Association. Until 1915, the examination system of the professional certification of nurses was established in China, and in 1920, Peking Union Medical College had the Asia’s first 5-year bachelor degree. During the 1920s and 1930s, there are many nursing schools were established. In 1930, the first government-funded nursing school was established, and then the number of nursing schools was increased rapidly. There were more than 6000 registered nurses by 1936. Until 1949, there were almost 216 nursing program, which provided three or four years nursing training (Nursing school, 2012).

     In 1949, the big change was Chinese nursing began the takeover by the Communist party government. However, when the second medical college was established in Beijing, there are many political pressures to prevent the takeover of Communist party for nursing. Then, day after day, nursing development has a significant increase until now. Currently, nursing becomes one of the popular careers in China (Studymode, 2011).


II. The history of nursing in America

Women always play the important role in caring the sick, using medicines to treat a large numbers of diseases in America. There is no precious training before them master these medical skills, meanwhile, the information was circulated by generations. In the late 1800s, nursing became a trained profession in England and standards, registrations and regulations, led by Florence Nightingale, and were established. Then, The United States followed England, and established the similar regulations and organizations that normed training methods for nurses. In 1897, the Nurses Associated Alumnae was formed in Maryland and it was in charge of nursing colleges for professional nurses (Nursing school, 2012).

In order to help patients to get the adequate care from someone who does not have professional nursing training, many states passed nursing certification and licensing laws in the early 1900s. Many states were very strict with the people who wanted to attend nursing schools, such as Virginia and New Jersey. At the same time, nurses became independent, and they can work outside of the hospitals, such as work opportunities at doctor’s offices, clinics and in other preventative care environment.

During World War I, there was a large demand of nurses, especially for the professional and effective nurses. This promoted the rapid increases of high-level educated nurses. Therefore, it caused many post-war nurses were unemployed. However, there was another increase of nurses during World War II. In order to meet the demands of nurses, government offered incentives for women to become nurses, including free housing, tuition and even stipends. With Medicare introduced in the 1960s, many people benefited from health care, and the demand for nurses soared. Also, many opportunities were offered to men as well as woman, but women still had the dominant status in nursing field. Throughout the late -60s and early -70s, the Vietnam War again spurred the need for more nurses (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

Since the early 1980s, there were large demands for professional and quality nursing care. In order to solve this problem, travel nurses soared in America. This means the professional nurses who moves from one location to another location with all expenses paid. Even today, there is still large demand of professional nurses, then the government is again enticing both men and women to enter the nursing field with free tuition and grants in order to swell the numbers of nurses (Nursing).


Nursing education

I. Nursing education in China

Until the early 19th century, traditional Chinese Medicine was only health care, it was used until today. In 1820, Missionary hospitals were established by western missionaries. However, there were no professional nurse training existed at that time. In 1837, Elizabeth Mckechnie, an American nurse established a formal nursing training in shanghai. One year later, another nursing school was established in Fuzhou. Then, many hospital-affiliated nursing schools were appeared in many major cities in China. Peking Union Medical College had the first nursing programmer in 1920, but it was stopped in 1951. In china, nursing education was thought as vocational education, and Chinese government also established its own nursing schools in 1933. By 1949, there were 183 nursing schools and 32800 nurses in China. And they used the original English textbook as teaching materials (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

In 1951, 2-year nursing education programmer was offered after junior high level. However, the period was too short. Then, the programmer was elongated to 3 years in 1954. All of the teaching materials were regulated. In the late 1950s, the health schools became independent to training nurses. The hospital still worked with the health schools to support students’ clinical practice training.

Until now, nursing education had a rapid development. In order to help the development of nursing, legal regulation and enforcement for nursing practice is in place. A new Nurse Act was introduced in 2008 to support the further development of nursing. Nursing education has a 200 years history in China, since the beginning time, the development of nursing was interfered by government. In the last two decades, nursing education has a big progress in China but also encounters many challenges. As with every opportunity, there is risk, and in every risk, there is opportunity. There is enhancement of quality of education and quantity of nurse graduates, and development of higher education in nursing and clinical specialization. There are 58 Master Nursing programmers in China as of 2007 and 10 PHD nursing programmer as of 2008 (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).


II. Nursing education in America

American nursing education is the education to train nurses how to care for patients. Education provides the knowledge, skills and ability to help nurses care the patients professionally. Also, education also evaluates the professions of nurses (Nursing, 2007).

In 1873, American first nursing school was built in New York City, it was found on the principles of nursing established by Florence Nightingale. This school connected with Bellevue Hospital until 1969. In 1889, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing was established under the influences of Florence Nightingale. The University of Minnesota was the first university based nursing program. In 1923, Yale School of Nursing became the first autonomous school of nursing in the United States. In 1956, the first Master Degree was offered in Columbia University School of Nursing.

There are many pre-requisites for nursing students. For example, math, English and other basic level courses. Basic courses include biology, anatomy and physiology. And core coursework includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. After basic study in first semester, students are up to learn obstetrics, mental health, medical, surgical, oncology, critical care and pediatric units. Students are required to have a historic view of nursing and what it encompasses (Nursing, 2007).

A variation of the second degree BSN is the Accelerated BSN. The pre-requisites classes give credit for completing the liberal arts requirements, and help you get into the nursing program as soon as possible. Accelerated BSN programs run 16 to 24 months for undergraduate, but the traditional BSN programs take much longer time. Lastly, the Master level is for experienced RNs to reach a higher education and may expand their scope of practice (Nursing school, 2012).

In the United States, students graduate from nursing education programs are required to take NCLEX exams, the NCLEX-PN for Licensed Practical Nurses or the NCLEX-RN for Registered Nurses (Nursing).



All in all, we can see, not only in China, but also in America, nurse is good job field in China and America. Nursing is a job which can help people live better and be healthier. Currently, Nursing becomes a popular major among students, and nursing education is more perfect in the world. For me, as a nursing student, I am satisfied with the wholesome nursing education and I am confident with the nursing career in the future.



(2011). In F. f. (Film), F. M. Group, & N. E. Video, Understanding Differences between Eastern and Western Nursing . New York: Films Media Group.

(2006). In F. f. (Firm), F. M. Group, & Trainex, A History of Care Nursing in America. New York: Films Media Group.

Nursing Education in America. (2003). Retrieved from Medical Schoolsl & Nursing Colleges:

Types of Nursing Careers. (2005, September 24). Retrieved from allnurses:

What Is Nursing? What Does a Nurse Do? (2009, Apr 23). Retrieved from Medical News Today:

Studymode. (2011, June 11). Retrieved from History of Chinese Nursing:

Life 123. (2012). Retrieved from A Brief History Of Nursing In America:

Nursing education in China: past, present and future. (2012). Retrieved from Online Library:

Nursing school. (2012, September 6). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2012, from Wikipedia:

(2007). In A. A. Nursing, Nursing history review: official publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing. New York: Springer Pub.



Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Paper

Final Paper

Xianping he

ENGL 191


                             Nursing in China and America


     When we talked about Nursing, I think the first impression in people’s mind will be the job in the hospital which helps doctors takes care of patients. Actually a nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for individuals, families, and communities, ensuring that they attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and functioning. Different countries have different history of nursing. In this paper, first, I will introduce the definition of nursing and the types of nurses. Then, I will talk about the history of nursing in China and America. After a period of time, nursing becomes a popular field in the world, and nursing education is also very completed in different countries. Finally, I will conclude the nursing education in China and America.  Fix problems with the thesis in this paragraph.)


The definitions of nursing
     There are many differences between nurses and other health care providers. Such s how to have patient care, training, and practice. The practice areas of nursing are wide and diversity. Many nurses are offering care within special physician’s requirements, this is the traditional role of nurses, and it is typically to reflect the image of nurses as care providers. However, nurse’s duties are also dependent on their training level [3].

     Nursing has many definitions from different countries. According to the international council of Nurses:

“Nursing includes autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages. Such as, families, groups, sick or well people. Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human [3].

The types of nurses

Agency nurse--- A nurse who will register or sign up with an agency or similar group and tell them the works hours they are available.

Ambulatory care nurse--- A nurse who takes care of the patient who will stay in the hospital less than 24 hours.

Anesthesia nurse--- A nurse who works with surgeons, dentists, podiatrists, anesthesiologists, and other doctors to provide anesthesia to patients before, during, and after surgery or child birth.

Cardiac care nurse--- a nurse who works with other members of the medical staff in assessing, intervening, and implementing nursing care for the cardiac patient.

Critical care nurse---a nurse who offers care for patients and families who are experiencing actual or potential life-threatening illness.

Emergency nurse---a nurse has interventions and does evaluations in a limited time and sometimes hectic environment. Emergency nurses have to work independently and sometimes they also need to work with groups, they have to provide professional help to patients and families when they are illness.

Occupational health nurse--a nurse who is responsible for improving, protecting, maintaining and restoring the health of employees.

Oncology nurse--a nurse who cares for cancer patients.

Pediatric nurses---a nurse cares all aspects of children’s health care [2].


The history of Nursing

I. The history of Nursing in China

     The history of nursing in China is beginning from the 19th century. In Chinese culture, modern nursing was regarded as the part of the westernization. In china, the traditional health treatment was provided by the medical personnel or doctors in formal hospital, actually, the professional nursing doesn’t exist in in China. Until in the late 19th century, modern nursing was formed by the arrival of Western missionaries. Throughout the 20th, nursing development was controlled. There are many reasons caused the regressive development of nursing, such as the political climate in China. Cultural Revolution has a critical effect on nursing development because many nursing schools were closed [4].

     According to Chinese national condition, Chinese cultural understanding of health plays an important role in nursing practice. Sometimes, Chinese people have illness when the patients and the treatment environment are imbalance. Likewise, traditional Chinese medicine plays a critical role in restoring the overall balance, rather than simply treating symptoms [4].

     Chinese health treatment was traditionally provided by various paramedical and medical personnel; in general, family members stayed in the hospital and took care of the sick relatives every day. In 1835, the first Western influenced hospital was established in Canton. And Elizabeth Mckechnie, the first American nurse in China, she introduced the Florence Nightingale system of nursing in China. In 1888, the first Chinese nursing school was established in Fuchou by another American, Ella Johnson.      In 1908, Nina arrived in China and established a nurse training program in 1910; it was the part of Yale mission. From 1912 to 1915, Nina was in charge of the Chinese Nursing Association. Until 1915, the examination system of the professional certification of nurses was established in China, and in 1920, Peking Union Medical College had the Asia’s first 5-year bachelor degree. During the 1920s and 1930s, there are many nursing schools were established. In 1930, the first government-funded nursing school was established, and then the number of nursing schools was increased rapidly. There were more than 6000 registered nurses by 1936. Until 1949, there were almost 216 nursing program, which provided three or four years nursing training [4].

     In 1949, the big change was Chinese nursing began the takeover by the Communist party government. However, when the second medical college was established in Beijing, there are many political pressures to prevent the takeover of Communist party for nursing. Then, day after day, nursing development has a significant increase until now. Currently, nursing becomes one of the popular careers in China [4].


II. The history of nursing in America

Women always play the important role in caring the sick, using medicines to treat a large numbers of diseases in America. There is no precious training before them master these medical skills, meanwhile, the information was circulated by generations. In the late 1800s, nursing became a trained profession in England and standards, registrations and regulations, led by Florence Nightingale, and were established. Then, The United States followed England, and established the similar regulations and organizations that normed training methods for nurses. In 1897, the Nurses Associated Alumnae was formed in Maryland and it was in charge of nursing colleges for professional nurses [5].

In order to help patients to get the adequate care from someone who does not have professional nursing training, many states passed nursing certification and licensing laws in the early 1900s. Many states were very strict with the people who wanted to attend nursing schools, such as Virginia and New Jersey. At the same time, nurses became independent, and they can work outside of the hospitals, such as work opportunities at doctor’s offices, clinics and in other preventative care environment.

During World War I, there was a large demand of nurses, especially for the professional and effective nurses. This promoted the rapid increases of high-level educated nurses. Therefore, it caused many post-war nurses were unemployed. However, there was another increase of nurses during World War II. In order to meet the demands of nurses, government offered incentives for women to become nurses, including free housing, tuition and even stipends. With Medicare introduced in the 1960s, many people benefited from health care, and the demand for nurses soared. Also, many opportunities were offered to men as well as woman, but women still had the dominant status in nursing field. Throughout the late -60s and early -70s, the Vietnam War again spurred the need for more nurses [5].

Since the early 1980s, there were large demands for professional and quality nursing care. In order to solve this problem, travel nurses soared in America. This means the professional nurses who moves from one location to another location with all expenses paid. Even today, there is still large demand of professional nurses, then the government is again enticing both men and women to enter the nursing field with free tuition and grants in order to swell the numbers of nurses [5].


Nursing education

I. Nursing education in China

Until the early 19th century, traditional Chinese Medicine was only health care, it was used until today. In 1820, Missionary hospitals were established by western missionaries. However, there were no professional nurse training existed at that time. In 1837, Elizabeth Mckechnie, an American nurse established a formal nursing training in shanghai. One year later, another nursing school was established in Fuzhou. Then, many hospital-affiliated nursing schools were appeared in many major cities in China. Peking Union Medical College had the first nursing programmer in 1920, but it was stopped in 1951. In china, nursing education was thought as vocational education, and Chinese government also established its own nursing schools in 1933. By 1949, there were 183 nursing schools and 32800 nurses in China. And they used the original English textbook as teaching materials [6].

In 1951, 2-year nursing education programmer was offered after junior high level. However, the period was too short. Then, the programmer was elongated to 3 years in 1954. All of the teaching materials were regulated. In the late 1950s, the health schools became independent to training nurses. The hospital still worked with the health schools to support students’ clinical practice training.

Until now, nursing education had a rapid development. In order to help the development of nursing, legal regulation and enforcement for nursing practice is in place. A new Nurse Act was introduced in 2008 to support the further development of nursing. Nursing education has a 200 years history in China, since the beginning time, the development of nursing was interfered by government. In the last two decades, nursing education has a big progress in China but also encounters many challenges. As with every opportunity, there is risk, and in every risk, there is opportunity. There is enhancement of quality of education and quantity of nurse graduates, and development of higher education in nursing and clinical specialization. There are 58 Master Nursing programmers in China as of 2007 and 10 PHD nursing programmer as of 2008 [6].


II. Nursing education in America

American nursing education is the education to train nurses how to care for patients. Education provides the knowledge, skills and ability to help nurses care the patients professionally. Also, education also evaluates the professions of nurses [8].

In 1873, American first nursing school was built in New York City, it was found on the principles of nursing established by Florence Nightingale. This school connected with Bellevue Hospital until 1969. In 1889, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing was established under the influences of Florence Nightingale. The University of Minnesota was the first university based nursing program. In 1923, Yale School of Nursing became the first autonomous school of nursing in the United States. In 1956, the first Master Degree was offered in Columbia University School of Nursing.

There are many pre-requisites for nursing students. For example, math, English and other basic level courses. Basic courses include biology, anatomy and physiology. And core coursework includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. After basic study in first semester, students are up to learn obstetrics, mental health, medical, surgical, oncology, critical care and pediatric units. Students are required to have a historic view of nursing and what it encompasses [7].

A variation of the second degree BSN is the Accelerated BSN. The pre-requisites classes give credit for completing the liberal arts requirements, and help you get into the nursing program as soon as possible. Accelerated BSN programs run 16 to 24 months for undergraduate, but the traditional BSN programs take much longer time. Lastly, the Master level is for experienced RNs to reach a higher education and may expand their scope of practice [8].

In the United States, students graduate from nursing education programs are required to take NCLEX exams, the NCLEX-PN for Licensed Practical Nurses or the NCLEX-RN for Registered Nurses [7].



All in all, we can see, not only in China, but also in America, nurse is good job field in China and America. Nursing is a job which can help people live better and be healthier. Currently, Nursing becomes a popular major among students, and nursing education is more perfect in the world. For me, as a nursing student, I am satisfied with the wholesome nursing education and I am confident with the nursing career in the future [Fix the problems].



(2011). In F. f. (Film), F. M. Group, & N. E. Video, Understanding Differences between Eastern and Western Nursing . New York: Films Media Group.

(2006). In F. f. (Firm), F. M. Group, & Trainex, A History of Care Nursing in America. New York: Films Media Group.

Nursing Education in America. (2003). Retrieved from Medical Schoolsl & Nursing Colleges:

Types of Nursing Careers. (2005, September 24). Retrieved from allnurses:

What Is Nursing? What Does a Nurse Do? (2009, Apr 23). Retrieved from Medical News Today:

Studymode. (2011, June 11). Retrieved from History of Chinese Nursing:

Life 123. (2012). Retrieved from A Brief History Of Nursing In America:

Nursing education in China: past, present and future. (2012). Retrieved from Online Library:

Nursing school. (2012, September 6). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2012, from Wikipedia:

(2007). In A. A. Nursing, Nursing history review: official publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing. New York: Springer Pub.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Outline for final paper

                                                     Nursing in China and America
When we talked about Nursing, I think the first impression in people’s mind will be the job in the hospital which helps doctors take care of patients. Actually a nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for individuals, families, and communities, ensuring that they attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and functioning. Different countries have different history of nursing, in this paper, I will talk about the history of nursing in China and America. After a period of time, nursing becomes a popular field in the world, and nursing education is also very completed in different countries, I will conclude the nursing education in China and America. Finally, I will talk about the types of nursing and how to be a nurse in the world.

1. The definition of Nursing

2. The history of Nursing

A) When did Nursing become an independent field;

B) The history of Nursing in China

C) The history of Nursing in America

3. Nursing education

A) Chinese nursing education

B) American nursing education

4. Nursing job description

5. How to be a nurse

A) How to be a nurse in China

B) How to be a nurse in America

All in all, we can see, not only in China, but also in America, nurse is good job field in China and America. Nursing is a job which can help people live better and be more healthy. Currently, Nursing becomes a popular major among students, and nursing education are more perfect in the world. For me, as a nursing student, I am satisfied with the wholesome nursing education and I am confident with the nursing career in the future.   ( I have demostrated that the development of nursing in China is partial informed by  but not dependent on developments in Western Europe or USA. )










Final Paper Topic

The topic of my final paper is " Nursing in China and America". There are some reasosns why I chose this topic:

First, as a nursing major student, I want to share more information about nursing with you;

Second, I am an international student from China, and there are many similarities and differences of nursing in China and America, this paper can make a good conclusion about nursing between China and America.

Third, nursing major is very popular among students, it is a good career field and it is also a well-paid job, I guess many students are interested in it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Third interview review

Dao Thanh T(20 points)

Her interview is about China, and she did a good country report. And she had a lot of significant questions, besides, her interviewee also gave her an excellent answers! That's an awesome interview!!

Gong hua (19 points)

His interview is about Saudi Arabia, as well as me. I can discover he indeed found many resources to help his interview. Also, his transcript is good, and I learned a lot from his interview!!

Sun yihao (18 points)

his interview is also about Saudi Arabia. He was hard-working, and he found out many differences between America and Saudi Arabia, it can help us open our eyes, and know more about Saudi Arabia.

Third interview evaluations

Thrid interview review

Second interview evaluations

Second interview review

Second interview review

Three toppest one in class:

First, Gong hua (20 points)

His interview is about South Korea, as well as China, South Korea is also an asian country. It has many similarities and differences between China and South Korea. He did a very good job, he showed many details about the culture in South Korea, also, it will help us deepen our relationship with Korean friends by learning the differences and similarities of Korea.

Second, Sun yihao (19 points)

His second interview is about America. As an international student in America, that is good to get more information about this country. Sure, there should be many differences between China and America, because the differences of Eastern culture and Western culture. Through his paper, we can have more idea about America, and it also helps us to deepen our relatinship with American friends.

Third,  Gerrey(18 points)

He had an organized interview. And there are many details in his paper. We can imagine the country he interviewed, and we can know more informationa about that country. With the fast development of the world, it is very important to open our eyes, and know more information about different countries and culture.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Third Interview

My Third Interview

Preparations for the interview

After my first and second interview, I made a comparison between these two interviews I have done before, and I had a full consideration for my third interview. As well as the first one and second, my third one also need to make my interviewee feel comfortable. First, Saudi Arabic is a totally unknown country for me, I searched many resources online, and I asked my classmate Mohamed to help me with my interview; second, I rewrote my questions again, compared to the interviews I did before, this one had more interesting questions; third, I printed my questions and made a copy for my interviewee; final, I was interested in this country, and I was eager to get more information about this country, I called Mohamed and we decided to meet in the library on this weekend.

How did I approach people

Mohamed, one of my best friend. We knew each other because we took the same ESL listening class last semester, and day after day, we built a deep friendship between each other. Last semester is the first semester for both of us, then both of us felt a little struggle with the new education system. We went to library together and we did our homework together. Time flies too fast, and we need to say goodbye to each other because of the end of the semester. However, we are glad to meet in this writing class, and we can study together again! This time, we are required to do our third interview, and I am interested in his country, and I also want to know about him. Then, I asked him to be my interviewee, and he agreed with no hesitation.
When, where and how did I conduct and record my interview
On this weekend, I called Mohamed and decided to meet each other at the library on this Sunday. Because both of us are busy with our homework, we decided to do our homework first and then we can do our interview during we have a rest. Almost one hour later, I asked him if it was a good time to conduct our interview, and he answered yes. At first, I gave him a copy of my question; second, I gave him a few minutes to prepare the answers; final, we pay attention to our conversation. During our interview, he introduced a lot of information about Saudi Arabic, and we also shared our ideas about some issues. He also asked if those situations happened in China, what were our response, and what will we do for those situations. We indeed had a nice talk, after our interview, we did our homework together.

Who did you interview

Mohamed, who is one of my best friend. He comes from Saudi Arabic, and he is freshman in this school, as well as me. We met each other in our ESL listening class, and we built a deep relationship between each other. We had similar habits although we had different majors, we enjoyed our talks when we had free time. I was sad to say goodbye to him during the end of last semester, and I knew it was very difficult to have the same class together. However, we found each other in the same classroom for this English writing class, and we were very excited about this.

Interview report

This is my third interview, also, it is my last interview. I enjoyed the joy when I conducted my interview, because I gained many information from my interviewees, and I also had more ideas about different countries. This gave me a good chance to know more about my friends and their culture.

Country report
The area of Saudi Arabia is almost 2250,000 km2, and the population in Saudi Arabia is about 27 million, which consists of 9 million legal foreign and 2 million illegal immigrants.
Saudi Arabia is known as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it was found in 1932. It is also called  The Land of the Two Holy Mosques compared with Al-Masjid al-Haram and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, the two holiest places in Islam.
In the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia has the second largest oil reserves in the world. And oil takes up over 95% of exports and 70% of government revenue. This boosts the creation of a welfare state[1].

Politics in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. However, the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia was accepted by royal decree in 1992, the King has to comply with Sharia and the Quran. There is no political parties or national elections in Saudi Arabia, from the economists 2010 democracy index, the government of Saudi Arabia is the seventh most authoritarian regime from among the 167 countries rated.
In 2011, the women in Saudi Arabia was permitted to have rights to stand and vote in future local elections and join the advisory Shura council as full members[2].

Education in Saudi Arabia
Through the World Bank database, the government spent almost 6.8 percent of GDP on education. From 1970 to 2000, the cost of education is almost triples of government expenditure, there is no effects from the price of oil or the economic growth.
(1)Pre-primary education
In Saudi Arabia, children go to kindergarten when they are from 3 to 5 years old. However, it is not necessary for children to attend kindergartens when they are registered of first grade of primary education. Many private nurseries were built with the help of government.
(2) Primary education
There is 6 years for primary education in Saudi Arabia, and children can enter the first grade of primary education when they are 6 years. When children are graduated from Grade 6, they have to pass the exam and obtain the Elementary Education Certificate in order to get into intermediate education.
(3) Intermediate and Secondary education
Intermediate education in Saudi Arabia is three years. In 2007, according to the data of government, the total rate of gross enrollment is up to 95.9 percent.
Secondary education is also three years and it is the final stage of general education. When students finish the intermediate education, they can have the opportunity for both general and specialized secondary education[3].

Religion in Saudi Arabia
Islam is the major religion in Saudi Arabia, however, the freedom of religion is not protected by government. 
(1) Islam
It is the official religion in Saudi Arabia, it is created by sunni of the Hanbali school. There is almost 10 to 15% of the population are Shia Muslims, and Mecca and Medina are two holiest cities of Islam in Saudi Arabia.
(2) Christianity
There is mainly non-citizens from a variety of countries.
(3) Hinduism
The main population of Hinduism is non-citizens from India[3].

Food In Saudi Arabia

Food pictures

Islamic dietary laws states that the pork and alcohol are forbidden in Saudi Arabia. According to halal Islamic law, before we eat the animals, we need to butchered them in a special way and bless them. In 2008, sheep meat and goat meat become the fifth largest importer in the world in Saudi Arabia[4].

Audio Record:
X: xianping
M: Mohamed

X: Hello, Mohamed, thanks for helping me with my interview. How are you today?
M: Good, I have a productive day. Because of this longer weekend, I spent some time with my cousin and friends, we had a nice talk between each other. And we made some food together! This is a joyful moment.
X: Nice, I am glad to learn your joy. Yes, I can see, during the study week, we have too much homework to do, and we also need to prepare our quiz and exams, it must be very tired and stressful. We have little time to stay with our friends. But weekend applies us a good chance. Are you ready for our interview?
M: Sure, lets begin.
X: Great, thanks. Where are you from?
M: I am from Saudi Arabia.
X: I knew many people who are from the same country with you. Good, why did you choose this school?
M: First, before I came here, I knew some friends who studied here, and they have me a lot of suggestions. Second, my country has an excellent education policies, it offers us scholarship to study abroad. Final, I knew Saint Cloud is a small city, it is very quiet, I think it is a good place for us to study.
X: Good. Yes, i agree with your opinion. Whats your major?
M: My major is computer science.
X: Good, this major is popular among boys. And I think it will be a good career field in the future. Would you want to talk something about your family?
M: Sure, what do you want to know about the family in my country?
X: Whats the value of family in your country?
M: I think family plays an important role in my country, and people will care a lot about their family member. Most people want to stay with their family as much as possible, because it always brings a lot of laughters when we are staying with our family.
X: Good, I have the similar ideas with you about family. Mohamed, I have one question, I heard it from many people. But it is a private question, would you mind it?
M: Please do not worry, Im glad to give answers for your questions.
X: Thanks so much. In Saudi Arabia, if one male can marry many female?
M: Thats true. Because of our different culture, and the sex ratio of male and female. Then, male can shave rights to marry many female, but they need to buy a house for every female. And they also need to support the females life. So, how many wives can a male has depends on his financial.
X: Sounds interesting! It is so different in my country and America. In my country, we can just have one legal wife or husband. And we also have children policies. Such as, one couple just can have one child. Whats the child policy in your country?
M: Actually, we dont have any child policies. Instead, it is promoted to have many children in one family. One family usually has more than 10 children.
X: Thats amazing. It is so different. Then , the parents will support their children until they have jobs.
M: Correct! Because of the excellent education system, our parents sont need to pay for our education.
X: Sounds interesting! I have another question, maybe you noticed that many students who find part-time jobs on campus or off-campus, what do you think of this situation? Do you need to find a part-time job in your country when you are 18?
M: Good questions. Yes, when I came here, and I found many of my friends find part-time jobs on campus. It is very different from that in my country. But it also depends on individual, some people prefer to make money by themselves, and some people prefer to get money from their parents before they have jobs.
X:Awesome! It depends on individual. The education system in your country is so great,could you talk some details about the education system in your country?
X: M: Of course. To be honest, I like the education system in my country. There are many private schools which are built by our government. And the cost of education accounts a large percentage in education. And we have very excellent teachers, they are pretty nice and patient. Besides, we have many freedom to choose our class schedule.
X: Sounds good. Current, it is the first year for you in college, do you find out the differences between high school and college.
M: Yes, there are many differences between them. When we were in high school, we had to study many subjects, and we had to study for a long time. Because of the strong education support of our country, most students will go abroad for their study in college. If we want to apply for a famous school in a foreign country, we need to study hard, and we also need to learn English well. When we entered college, in general, we attended the college in foreign country, and the life and education will be very different. And other countries will have different study requirements and different teaching style. Besides, we will have many activities in college, and we can have rights to choose how many years will we finish our study. Thats really flexible.
X: Sounds good. What do you think of the school you attend now?
M: Good. I like everything here, especially for the friends here, and I remembered the days when I just came here for a short time, I made many friends, and I also felt the friendly relationship between us.
X: Im glad to hear that. As well as you, I am an international student, and I have the similar thoughts with you. I remembered everyone I met here, and I am grateful for their help. And I am glad to meet you and become classmate with you. We talked so much about education, can we talk something about culture in your country?
M: Yes, please. What do you want know about culture?
X: I knew, there should be many differences between your country and America. As an international student, do you find out some difference between them?
M: Great! It is a good question. Yes, as you said, there are many cultural differences between my country and America. Such as, we will have many siblings, and all of us lived together. We can have a very good relationship between each other. But in America, when the children are 18 or when the children are married, they usually dont live with their parents. Thats a big difference.
X: Really? Sounds interesting. I have one thing to share with you, in China, the parents also live with their children, and in some families, the siblings live together. It is similar with your country.
M: Good, thanks for sharing this with me.
X: Id like to do that. I am curious about your country, and I have so many questions for you. Eating is one of the important things for every one, would you want to talk about the food in your country?
M: Im glad to help you, please dont worry about this. Yes, what do you want to know about food?
X: Thanks so much! Could you talk about the major food in your country?
M: Sure. Maybe you know this before, most people are Muslim in Saudi Arabia, the pork and alcohol are forbidden in Saudi Arabia, before we eat the animals, we need to butchered them in a special way and bless them. And sheep meat and goat meat have a large demand in Saudi Arabia. 
X: Thats unique. Do you know, In China, pork is the ordinary food in peoples life. I think we even eat pork everyday, thats because of different culture. Whats your favorite food?
M: My favorite food is Kapsa, my mother is good at cooking it, and it is always delicious.
X: Nice, whats your favorite American food?
M: I love most American food, such as hamburger, pizza. Most of them are very delicious, and they are very easy to cook, especially when we are busy with our study and homework.
X: Sounds good. I love American food too. But I love Asian food best, Asian food are very spicy, and we have a strong satisfies when we are eating them. Did you taste Asian food before?
M: Actually, I did go wo Chinese restaurants before, but I did not taste the Asian food which were cooked by native Asians.
X: Ok, dont worry about this, when both of us have time, I can invite you to my place and I can cook some Chinese food for you.
M: Thanks for you invitation, thats awesome. 
X: You are welcome! Do you have any religion?
M: Yes, as most people in Saudi Arabia, I am a Muslim.
X: Good, I am an Christian. I knew little about Muslim, could you give me some details about Muslim?
M: No problem. Muslim is different from Christian, but we also have activities every weekend, we have to dress special clothes. I can show you some pictures for our clothes.
X: Thanks, thats interesting. Whats your favorite holiday in your country?
M: We just have two holidays, and Edi is my favorite holiday.
X: That is special, I dont hear this holiday before, could you give me more details about this holiday?
M: Sure, during Edi, we need to forbid food and drinks for one month, and we also have some activities, such as, all of the Muslim stayed together and pray together.
X: Thats interesting, thanks for helping me with my interview. I appreciated it!
M: You are welcome, Im glad to help you.