Saturday, December 15, 2012

191 Final Paper

Final Paper

Xianping he

ENGL 191


                             Nursing in China and America


     When we talked about Nursing, I think the first impression in people’s mind will be the job in the hospital which helps doctors takes care of patients. Actually a nurse is a healthcare professional who is focused on caring for individuals, families, and communities, ensuring that they attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and functioning. Different countries have different history of nursing. In this paper, first, I will introduce the definition of nursing and the types of nurses. Then, I will talk about the history of nursing in China and America. After a period of time, nursing becomes a popular field in the world, and nursing education is also very completed in different countries. Finally, I will conclude the nursing education in China and America (Life 123, 2012).

The definitions of nursing
     there are many differences between nurses and other health care providers. Such as how to have patient care, training, and practice. The practice areas of nursing are wide and diversity. Many nurses are offering care within special physician’s requirements, this is the traditional role of nurses, and it is typically to reflect the image of nurses as care providers. However, nurse’s duties are also dependent on their training level (Nursing Education in America, 2003).

     Nursing has many definitions from different countries. According to the international council of Nurses:

“Nursing includes autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages. Such as, families, groups, sick or well people. Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

The types of nurses

Agency nurse--- A nurse who will register or sign up with an agency or similar group and tell them the works hours they are available.

Ambulatory care nurse--- A nurse who takes care of the patient who will stay in the hospital less than 24 hours.

Anesthesia nurse--- A nurse who works with surgeons, dentists, podiatrists, anesthesiologists, and other doctors to provide anesthesia to patients before, during, and after surgery or child birth.

Cardiac care nurse--- a nurse who works with other members of the medical staff in assessing, intervening, and implementing nursing care for the cardiac patient.

Critical care nurse---a nurse who offers care for patients and families who are experiencing actual or potential life-threatening illness.

Emergency nurse---a nurse has interventions and does evaluations in a limited time and sometimes hectic environment. Emergency nurses have to work independently and sometimes they also need to work with groups, they have to provide professional help to patients and families when they are illness.

Occupational health nurse--a nurse who is responsible for improving, protecting, maintaining and restoring the health of employees.

Oncology nurse--a nurse who cares for cancer patients.

Pediatric nurses---a nurse cares all aspects of children’s health care (Types of Nursing Careers, 2005).


The history of Nursing

I. The history of Nursing in China

     The history of nursing in China is beginning from the 19th century. In Chinese culture, modern nursing was regarded as the part of the westernization. In china, the traditional health treatment was provided by the medical personnel or doctors in formal hospital, actually, the professional nursing doesn’t exist in in China. Until in the late 19th century, modern nursing was formed by the arrival of Western missionaries. Throughout the 20th, nursing development was controlled. There are many reasons caused the regressive development of nursing, such as the political climate in China. Cultural Revolution has a critical effect on nursing development because many nursing schools were closed (Nursing, 2007).

     According to Chinese national condition, Chinese cultural understanding of health plays an important role in nursing practice. Sometimes, Chinese people have illness when the patients and the treatment environment are imbalance. Likewise, traditional Chinese medicine plays a critical role in restoring the overall balance, rather than simply treating symptoms (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

     Chinese health treatment was traditionally provided by various paramedical and medical personnel; in general, family members stayed in the hospital and took care of the sick relatives every day. In 1835, the first Western influenced hospital was established in Canton. And Elizabeth Mckechnie, the first American nurse in China, she introduced the Florence Nightingale system of nursing in China. In 1888, the first Chinese nursing school was established in Fuchou by another American, Ella Johnson.      In 1908, Nina arrived in China and established a nurse training program in 1910; it was the part of Yale mission. From 1912 to 1915, Nina was in charge of the Chinese Nursing Association. Until 1915, the examination system of the professional certification of nurses was established in China, and in 1920, Peking Union Medical College had the Asia’s first 5-year bachelor degree. During the 1920s and 1930s, there are many nursing schools were established. In 1930, the first government-funded nursing school was established, and then the number of nursing schools was increased rapidly. There were more than 6000 registered nurses by 1936. Until 1949, there were almost 216 nursing program, which provided three or four years nursing training (Nursing school, 2012).

     In 1949, the big change was Chinese nursing began the takeover by the Communist party government. However, when the second medical college was established in Beijing, there are many political pressures to prevent the takeover of Communist party for nursing. Then, day after day, nursing development has a significant increase until now. Currently, nursing becomes one of the popular careers in China (Studymode, 2011).


II. The history of nursing in America

Women always play the important role in caring the sick, using medicines to treat a large numbers of diseases in America. There is no precious training before them master these medical skills, meanwhile, the information was circulated by generations. In the late 1800s, nursing became a trained profession in England and standards, registrations and regulations, led by Florence Nightingale, and were established. Then, The United States followed England, and established the similar regulations and organizations that normed training methods for nurses. In 1897, the Nurses Associated Alumnae was formed in Maryland and it was in charge of nursing colleges for professional nurses (Nursing school, 2012).

In order to help patients to get the adequate care from someone who does not have professional nursing training, many states passed nursing certification and licensing laws in the early 1900s. Many states were very strict with the people who wanted to attend nursing schools, such as Virginia and New Jersey. At the same time, nurses became independent, and they can work outside of the hospitals, such as work opportunities at doctor’s offices, clinics and in other preventative care environment.

During World War I, there was a large demand of nurses, especially for the professional and effective nurses. This promoted the rapid increases of high-level educated nurses. Therefore, it caused many post-war nurses were unemployed. However, there was another increase of nurses during World War II. In order to meet the demands of nurses, government offered incentives for women to become nurses, including free housing, tuition and even stipends. With Medicare introduced in the 1960s, many people benefited from health care, and the demand for nurses soared. Also, many opportunities were offered to men as well as woman, but women still had the dominant status in nursing field. Throughout the late -60s and early -70s, the Vietnam War again spurred the need for more nurses (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

Since the early 1980s, there were large demands for professional and quality nursing care. In order to solve this problem, travel nurses soared in America. This means the professional nurses who moves from one location to another location with all expenses paid. Even today, there is still large demand of professional nurses, then the government is again enticing both men and women to enter the nursing field with free tuition and grants in order to swell the numbers of nurses (Nursing).


Nursing education

I. Nursing education in China

Until the early 19th century, traditional Chinese Medicine was only health care, it was used until today. In 1820, Missionary hospitals were established by western missionaries. However, there were no professional nurse training existed at that time. In 1837, Elizabeth Mckechnie, an American nurse established a formal nursing training in shanghai. One year later, another nursing school was established in Fuzhou. Then, many hospital-affiliated nursing schools were appeared in many major cities in China. Peking Union Medical College had the first nursing programmer in 1920, but it was stopped in 1951. In china, nursing education was thought as vocational education, and Chinese government also established its own nursing schools in 1933. By 1949, there were 183 nursing schools and 32800 nurses in China. And they used the original English textbook as teaching materials (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).

In 1951, 2-year nursing education programmer was offered after junior high level. However, the period was too short. Then, the programmer was elongated to 3 years in 1954. All of the teaching materials were regulated. In the late 1950s, the health schools became independent to training nurses. The hospital still worked with the health schools to support students’ clinical practice training.

Until now, nursing education had a rapid development. In order to help the development of nursing, legal regulation and enforcement for nursing practice is in place. A new Nurse Act was introduced in 2008 to support the further development of nursing. Nursing education has a 200 years history in China, since the beginning time, the development of nursing was interfered by government. In the last two decades, nursing education has a big progress in China but also encounters many challenges. As with every opportunity, there is risk, and in every risk, there is opportunity. There is enhancement of quality of education and quantity of nurse graduates, and development of higher education in nursing and clinical specialization. There are 58 Master Nursing programmers in China as of 2007 and 10 PHD nursing programmer as of 2008 (Nursing education in China: past, present and future, 2012).


II. Nursing education in America

American nursing education is the education to train nurses how to care for patients. Education provides the knowledge, skills and ability to help nurses care the patients professionally. Also, education also evaluates the professions of nurses (Nursing, 2007).

In 1873, American first nursing school was built in New York City, it was found on the principles of nursing established by Florence Nightingale. This school connected with Bellevue Hospital until 1969. In 1889, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing was established under the influences of Florence Nightingale. The University of Minnesota was the first university based nursing program. In 1923, Yale School of Nursing became the first autonomous school of nursing in the United States. In 1956, the first Master Degree was offered in Columbia University School of Nursing.

There are many pre-requisites for nursing students. For example, math, English and other basic level courses. Basic courses include biology, anatomy and physiology. And core coursework includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. After basic study in first semester, students are up to learn obstetrics, mental health, medical, surgical, oncology, critical care and pediatric units. Students are required to have a historic view of nursing and what it encompasses (Nursing, 2007).

A variation of the second degree BSN is the Accelerated BSN. The pre-requisites classes give credit for completing the liberal arts requirements, and help you get into the nursing program as soon as possible. Accelerated BSN programs run 16 to 24 months for undergraduate, but the traditional BSN programs take much longer time. Lastly, the Master level is for experienced RNs to reach a higher education and may expand their scope of practice (Nursing school, 2012).

In the United States, students graduate from nursing education programs are required to take NCLEX exams, the NCLEX-PN for Licensed Practical Nurses or the NCLEX-RN for Registered Nurses (Nursing).



All in all, we can see, not only in China, but also in America, nurse is good job field in China and America. Nursing is a job which can help people live better and be healthier. Currently, Nursing becomes a popular major among students, and nursing education is more perfect in the world. For me, as a nursing student, I am satisfied with the wholesome nursing education and I am confident with the nursing career in the future.



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(2006). In F. f. (Firm), F. M. Group, & Trainex, A History of Care Nursing in America. New York: Films Media Group.

Nursing Education in America. (2003). Retrieved from Medical Schoolsl & Nursing Colleges:

Types of Nursing Careers. (2005, September 24). Retrieved from allnurses:

What Is Nursing? What Does a Nurse Do? (2009, Apr 23). Retrieved from Medical News Today:

Studymode. (2011, June 11). Retrieved from History of Chinese Nursing:

Life 123. (2012). Retrieved from A Brief History Of Nursing In America:

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(2007). In A. A. Nursing, Nursing history review: official publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing. New York: Springer Pub.



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