Sunday, September 30, 2012

Five blogs post review

There are numerous topics in classmates' blogs. There are five ones which I was interested.

The first one is 《The fate of humor》. It was wrote by James M. Cox.James M. Cox pursues the development of Mark Twain's humor through all the forms it took from " The Jumping Frog" to "The Mysterious Stranger. Instead of seeking the seriousness behind the humor, Cox concentrates upon the humor itself as the transfiguring power that converted all the "serious" issues and emotions of Mark Twain's life and time into narratives designed to evoke helpless laughter.In those sudden moments of pleasurable helplessness, we glimpse the great heart of a writer who imagined freedom in the slave society if his youth and discovered slavery in the free country of his old age.

The second one is《A technique for producing ideas》. It was published in 1965. Its powerful guide details a five-step process for gathering information, stimulating imagination, and recombining old elements into dramatic new ideas.

The third one is《The development of memory in children》. Its author is Robert Kail, and it was published by W.H Freeman and Company in New York in 1979. It shows the children's early education and psychology.

The fourth one is 《The best of London》. It was printed in 1982. It introduced London to us. Such as, we can know where we can find nice food in London; where we can enjoy the night life. And we can also find most of the hotels and restaurants in London. It helps me understand more about London.

The fifth one is 《Thailand》.Without any doubt, this book is talking about Thailand. This book recorded the information of Thailand after it was alone from the United States. It introduced the customs and culture of Thailand.

Monday, September 24, 2012

To choose a book

1.   Because I took the psychology class in this summer, and I want to know more about psychology.

2.   It has only one author.

3.   The title of this book is “Psychology and environment”.

4.   Sage publications India and London printed the book.

5.   In 1982, the book was printed in Beverly Hills.


When I came to the bookshelf in the library, this book attracted my eyes deeply. Its title is “Psychology and environment”.  Because I took a psychology class in this summer, and I was interested in it. This book can help me get more information about psychology. In 1982, this book was written by Claude Levy-Leboyer, and then it was printed by sage publications in Beverly Hills.   

This paragraph attracted me when I open it:

AS Ittelson argues ( in Proshansky at al., 1976): “ The man / environment dichotomy has led to a notion of a dichotomous man, man the responder to an environments on the one hand, and man the creator of environments on the other, both of whom stand separate from an external environment which itself is split into those aspects which are sources of responses and those which are products of human activities.” ( Claude Levy-Leboyer 19)


Works cited

Ittelson, W.,L. RIVLIN, and H. PROSHANSKY (1976) “ The use of behavioral maps in environmental psychology,” in H. Proshansky et al. (eds) Environmental psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

How do we organize our presentation

ENGL 191-27

Abdalle Jamaa, Mohamed,Xianping he

             How to organize our presentation
Last week, we were required to do a group presentation. However, doing a good presentation is   not an easy thing for us. 
In order to do a good job, we start our preparation very early.

First,we need to choose a topic alone , and then the professor will collect our topics. Finally,the students who have the same topic will be divided into the same group. Luckily, Abdalle Jamaa, Mohamed, and I were assigned in one group.

Instead of writing very fast, we three chose to sit together, and we shared everyone's ideas.Finally, we picked " Grammar and rules" as our topic.

There are some of our reasons:writing is very important in our study, and grammar is the most important thing in writing. Then, we need to learn more about grammar. We hope this will help us to understand more about grammar. 

After selecting our topic, we made an outline for our presentation, it will help us organize our presentation more effectively. Our presentation consists of introduction, body and conclusion. We found a lot of information which are supported our topic online.

Then, I will do the introduction.An introduction will cover the thesis sentence and the main idea of this presentation.I choose to introduce the reason why we choose this topic, and then I will make us understood the definition of grammar.Next,I will introduce the presentation details, such as,which parts of grammar will we cover and how will it be going.

Next, Mohamed will talk about the body of this presentation. The body gives a lot of details of grammar. Body is the important part of our presentation. He will explain the information one by one. For example, Noun,he will tell us the definition of nouns, how to use nouns when we are writing,he will also give us some examples of nouns.Besides,the mistaken examples are also very important in this part. Such as: There is little apples.Obviously, we can find out the mistake. In this sentence, we should say " There is few apples." 

After Mohamed's body part, Abdalle will finish the last part of our presentation--conclusion. As well as introduction, conclusion plays an important role in our presentation. He will conclude the information we talk before. 

In order to do well in our presentation, we find a lot of information online.

Here are some websites which I cited my information:

Monday, September 17, 2012

Speech Presentation

                                                                                   Speech Presentation

                         It plays very important role in our speech. Not only the funny part the wrong sentence that you are writing, but the audience couldn’t understand your speech. Learning grammar is the only way you can avoid misunderstanding your speech. Grammar consists of many components, but parts of speech are the most important part that we have chosen to present to day.

                Parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunction, and interjection. In my essay we will introduce all of these things. First, Nouns are the nouns of places, persons and things. Nouns are two different parts, proper nouns and common nouns. A proper noun is a specific name of a person, place of thing. A proper noun always capitalized the first later. Some examples included, Mrs. Rogers, Anderson Middle School, Redding, and so on. The common noun always describes any general person, place or thing, such as, teacher, school, and city. Second, Pronouns are word that replace the nouns, such as, I, you, he, she, it, we, who, that, which, and everyone. Next, verb is express an occurrence or state of being, such as, go, be, run, and drive. Likewise, adjectives and adverbs are the part of speech. Adjectives are describe the nouns and give a specific size, color, or shape like,soggy, short, tall, thin, wet, dry, red, round etc. on the other hand, adverbs are modify the verbs, and usually end with LY. Such as, quickly, tiredly, sickly, and loudly. Similar to what I mentioned above, prepositions and conjunctions are the parts of speech. Prepositions show how nouns or pronouns are related to other words in the Sentence, and usually show the position of the noun. Some example are, over, under, against, behind, of, though, etc. furthermore examples are, he is crying behind the door. In addition to what I detailed above, Conjunctions are link words phrases and they are three main parts, coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions are connecting the two equal parts of a sentence. Some of them are, and, or, but, and so. Examples: I have seen Joe and Jacob walking in the rain. Also, Subordinating conjunctions are connect two parts are not equal. Examples for those conjunctions like: after, before, unless, although, if, and so on. Examples in a sentence: Xiannping wrote her presentation just after me. Furthermore in parts of speech, Correlative conjunctions are two conjunctions that work together in same sentence. Such as, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, and not only …. but also. Here are some examples in sentences: both of my friends and I made presentation. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

LEO TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS: Grammar and rules

My topic is " Grammar and rules."

Writing is an important part in our study. English as an second language for us, and grammar becomes very important when we are writing. Here are some information of grammar condensed:

It consists of two parts: parts of speech and parts of sentences.

Parts of speech:

Nouns: Name person,places,things,ideas,or qualities.

Example: Hardship,woman,river.

Pronouns: Usually replace nouns and function as nouns.

Example: I, you, he, this ,that.

Verbs: Express the actions, occurence, or restate of being.

Example: Run, write, be, appear.

Adjectives: Describe or modify the nouns or pronouns.

Example: Necessary, private,beautiful.

Adverbs: Answer these questions: when, where, how. They modify verbs,adjective,and other adverbs.

Example: Very, too, loudly.

Prepositions: Relate nouns or pronouns to other words in a sentence.

Example: About, to, around, during, in.

Conjunctions: Link words,phrases, and clauses.

coordinating conjunctions and correlative conjunction: Link words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance.

Example: and, but, so, for.

Subordinating conjunctionsIntroduce clauses that cannot stand by themselves as complete sentences and link them to main clauses.

Example: Although, because,if,whether.

InterjectionExpress feeling or command attention, either alone or in a sentence.


Parts of a sentence:

Subject: The noun, or word group acting as a noun, that performs the action expressed in the predicate of a sentence or clause.

The author uses symbolism and repetition to convey the character's personality.

Analyzing a literary text is a subjective process; supporting the analysis is not.

Predicate: The part within a given clause or sentence other than the subject and its modifiers.

Linguists study the science of language.

The connection between economic conditions and fashion trends appears variable rather than fixed.

Object: A noun, pronoun, word, or word group acting as a noun that receives the action of a verb or is influenced by a transitive verb, verbal (a word derived from a verb, i.e., gerund, infinitive, and participle), or a preposition.

Direct objects: 
Receive the action of a verb or verbal and frequently follow it in a sentence.

The essayist Pico Iyer examines social issues.

Aristotle's words about invention deserve renewed study.

Indirect objects: Tell for whom, to whom, or to what something is done.

Reading the poem "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening" gives me a sense of a long journey lying ahead.

The heroine lends the situation dignity.

Objects of Prepositions: Follow prepositions and are linked by them to the rest of the sentence.

Accomplished public speakers can move their audiences to action with their eloquent words.

Complements: A word or word group that completes the sense of a subject, object, or a verb.

Subject complements: Follow a linking verb and modify or refer to the subject. They may be nouns (also known as predicate nouns) or adjectives (also known as predicate adjectives).

The market is dynamic.
(adjective complement/predicate adjective)
The market is an economic indicator.
(noun complement/predicate noun)

Object complements: Follow and modify or refer to direct objects.

The Church labeled Galileo a heretic.
(The noun heretic complements the direct object Galileo.)

They considered his ideas dangerous.
(The adjective dangerous complements the direct object his.)

Verb complements: Are direct or indirect objects of a verb. They may be nouns, pronouns, or words or word groups acting as nouns.

Campus-based volunteer groups provide students an opportunity to work in the community.

Students is the indirect object, and opportunity is the direct object of the verb provide; both objects are verb complements.

Phrases: A group of related words that lacks a subject or predicate or both and that acts as a single part of speech.

Prepositional phrases: Consist of prepositions and their objects and modifiers.

Example: The poet leads the reader through her childhood.

A consultant forms an opinion during an initial meeting.

Verb phrases: Are verb forms of more than one word that serve as the predicate of a sentence or clause.

The main character has experienced much isolation.
Can we define normalcy?

Verbal phrases: Are formed from a verbal (a word derived from a verb).

Infinitive phrases:  Consist of infinitives and their objects, plus any modifiers.

 The critic seems to avoid direct comment.

Participle phrases: Consist of participles and their objects, plus any modifiers that function as adjectives.

The corporation seeking financial stability must remain flexible.

Gerund phrases: Consist of gerunds (the -ing form of a verb used as a noun) and their objects, plus any modifiers, which function as nouns.

Tracing an earthquake's causes requires data from several sources.

Clauses: A group of related words containing a subject and a predicate.

Main (independent) clauses: Can stand by themselves as sentences.


The author's style emphasizes the character's confusion.

Subordinate (dependent) clauses: Cannot stand by themselves.

The author's style emphasizes the character's confusion when he is captured.


Everyone has a dream, including me. My dream is traveling around the world. Instead of waiting for someday, I chose to begin my dream in this summer.

I packed my luggage and headed for my first stop---China. China is famous for its long history and colorful custom.  Without any hesitation, I went to Beijing and Xi’an, two of the typical cities in China. There are a lot of places, such as the great wall, the Forbidden City, the summer palace and so on. The unforgettable thing in my memory was the Chinese stamp, which was bought when we were hung out after dinner. The store is located around the river, when we walked into the store; the stamp came into my eyes first. It has a mini triangle shape, bright color, and the unique is that two words written under the bottle. I bought it as a gift to my father; I knew he will like it, as well as me.

I stayed in China for a few days, I tasted a lot delicious, and I observed a lot of special custom in this ancient country. Then, I turned to my next stop---Spain. Spain is an amazing place for me; I can’t wait to have a look for the country. When we got off the flight, we took the taxi to the hotel which I reserved before.  Instead of tired, I was too excited to go to sleep. The night looked so long, I overlaid on the bed with the thin blanket. This blanket looked very old; maybe it has ten years, or even more than ten years…one second, one minute, and one hour past slowly. After a long time, the day came, it made me happy. We finished our breakfast quickly, then we began our one-day visit. It was a traditional farm, which was surrounded by colorful flowers. There was a big family lived in this farm, they raised three cows, which can apply them milk every day.  At the back door, they have a big garden. Some vegetable, such as tomatoes, potatoes, were planted there. I enjoyed this kind of life, which was very simple, quiet, but very happy and satisfied.  

It closed to 12 pm, the host invited us for the lunch, we agreed. On the table, instead of fish, beef, chicken, and pork, we ate a lot of fresh vegetable which can’t be bought in the market.  And the beautiful plates were used for putting food. We enjoyed the delicious food and the friendly people. After our lunch, we had a long talk. The enthusiasm hostess served the chestnuts for snack. And she also showed us a lot of collections in their house. Such as, the Singapore coin collection, a wooden sculpture of a bald woman, and a sculpture of a drum man. They were bought during trips. Obviously, the family likes traveling as well as me.  When we entered into another room, we saw a wooden ruler on the table; the hostess said she was a tailor when she was young.  She kept making the clothes for her family until now, sometimes, when she had time, she also tried to make wallets. Then, she took out a leather wallet, and she explained that it was made last weekend.  It made us surprised, and we were also admired the life they had.

Time goes too fast, we need to say goodbye the friendly family. And tomorrow we need to start for the last stop---Italy. 

After a few hours’ flight, we arrived the destination. There was a display in Italy, and the items were from around the world.  We were looking for attractions. Look, there was a special,  can you guess what it was? No body existed, just the lonely head. It was smiling; it looked like talking something interested. Maybe it belongs to the man, maybe it belongs to the woman, we were imaging……
Everything looks mysterious, I had a lot of questions for the items. However, my vacation was over, I needed to come back for my class. After packing my luggage, I hanged out the amazing place during the last a few hours. I found a gift store by accidently. Without hesitation, I came into it. I had a quick look for the gifts, and I bought two gifts for my younger brother. One is the American Canoe, it looks very cute. I think he will like it. And another one is a spot, to be honest, I don’t know what it is. However, I am very curious about it, then , I bought it . We can guess it when I came back home. Maybe we will know the truth.
Trip is interesting and satisfied, we will find something new. I am prepared for my next vacation, and then I can continue my trip.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

story review

The weakest author:
It has many grammar mistake , and it made me a little confused about this sentence. In the (1) Bridget was a friend very active who really always had an ambition of travelling and explores the world.” is one such example. (2)"The blanket with 200 years has been used by almost 3 generations before him." All in all, the structure is good, but there are too many grammar mistakes.

The best author:
I like the organization of the story, it attracts our eyes. For example: In the first paragraph, it wrote(3) " Pendo thought that she never had an exciting life as her job offered no adventures. So, one day she thought of leaving everything and fulfilling her lifelong dream of traveling the world and finding true happiness." It is a good transition. Then, the next paragraph can turn into the topic sentence.
(4) The paragraph in this story has a good connection with each other, then, it makes us understood well. For example: In the third paragraph, it wrote" Next her stop is Germany." And in the fourth paragraph, it wrote " After, she went to Italy."

(1) 4, 2012
(3) 4, 2012