Monday, September 24, 2012

To choose a book

1.   Because I took the psychology class in this summer, and I want to know more about psychology.

2.   It has only one author.

3.   The title of this book is “Psychology and environment”.

4.   Sage publications India and London printed the book.

5.   In 1982, the book was printed in Beverly Hills.


When I came to the bookshelf in the library, this book attracted my eyes deeply. Its title is “Psychology and environment”.  Because I took a psychology class in this summer, and I was interested in it. This book can help me get more information about psychology. In 1982, this book was written by Claude Levy-Leboyer, and then it was printed by sage publications in Beverly Hills.   

This paragraph attracted me when I open it:

AS Ittelson argues ( in Proshansky at al., 1976): “ The man / environment dichotomy has led to a notion of a dichotomous man, man the responder to an environments on the one hand, and man the creator of environments on the other, both of whom stand separate from an external environment which itself is split into those aspects which are sources of responses and those which are products of human activities.” ( Claude Levy-Leboyer 19)


Works cited

Ittelson, W.,L. RIVLIN, and H. PROSHANSKY (1976) “ The use of behavioral maps in environmental psychology,” in H. Proshansky et al. (eds) Environmental psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

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