Sunday, September 23, 2012

How do we organize our presentation

ENGL 191-27

Abdalle Jamaa, Mohamed,Xianping he

             How to organize our presentation
Last week, we were required to do a group presentation. However, doing a good presentation is   not an easy thing for us. 
In order to do a good job, we start our preparation very early.

First,we need to choose a topic alone , and then the professor will collect our topics. Finally,the students who have the same topic will be divided into the same group. Luckily, Abdalle Jamaa, Mohamed, and I were assigned in one group.

Instead of writing very fast, we three chose to sit together, and we shared everyone's ideas.Finally, we picked " Grammar and rules" as our topic.

There are some of our reasons:writing is very important in our study, and grammar is the most important thing in writing. Then, we need to learn more about grammar. We hope this will help us to understand more about grammar. 

After selecting our topic, we made an outline for our presentation, it will help us organize our presentation more effectively. Our presentation consists of introduction, body and conclusion. We found a lot of information which are supported our topic online.

Then, I will do the introduction.An introduction will cover the thesis sentence and the main idea of this presentation.I choose to introduce the reason why we choose this topic, and then I will make us understood the definition of grammar.Next,I will introduce the presentation details, such as,which parts of grammar will we cover and how will it be going.

Next, Mohamed will talk about the body of this presentation. The body gives a lot of details of grammar. Body is the important part of our presentation. He will explain the information one by one. For example, Noun,he will tell us the definition of nouns, how to use nouns when we are writing,he will also give us some examples of nouns.Besides,the mistaken examples are also very important in this part. Such as: There is little apples.Obviously, we can find out the mistake. In this sentence, we should say " There is few apples." 

After Mohamed's body part, Abdalle will finish the last part of our presentation--conclusion. As well as introduction, conclusion plays an important role in our presentation. He will conclude the information we talk before. 

In order to do well in our presentation, we find a lot of information online.

Here are some websites which I cited my information:

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